Thursday 15 May 2008

Second Life Theft

Since the begninning of Second Life way back in 2002, more residents have joined, and amongst those residents, are theives. These individuals have come up with ways to get as many lindens as possible, take over land that doesn't belong to them, and much much more. The latest is one i heard today, whilst drinking my coffee, preparing for my first meeting of the day. And it was that a resident is giving an object to as many people as he can see, or comes across, which is emptying your account of any lindens you may have. This residents name is ko73 aichi, so please beware if you get offered an object from this resident, DONT accept it, otherwise you will face losing all of the money on your account.

If you would like to know more on this, please e-mail at also, if you have your own suggestion, or past problems with people like this, and want to know how we can work together to crack down on these issues, please get in touch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How is Tatianna Munz supposed to contact you when you deleted her?